Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Spirit Speaks...

I once had a stake choir director who said, "The Spirit speaks through good intonation." I heartily believe that statement. I think the Spirit also speaks through not running over time in meetings (particularly the last meeting) and not cutting verses from hymns.


ol' Bob said...

In the good old days of the church, it was fairly common for the chorister or the meeting conductor to announce a hymn and to list the verses to be sung, such as 1, 2, 5, and 7.

Personally I think highly of singing only the first verse to begin PEC or some other small group meeting.

Perhaps the entire congregation benefits from singing the entire hymn (including the fine print verses at the bottom of the page?).

whirligigdaisy said...

Ha. This is exactly what my husband says all the time. And I couldn't agree more.

Tina said...

In Primary, the Spirit speaks when the children sing. Any words, any tune, just singing.

Unknown said...

In one of our previous wards, the chorister conducted all listed verses, including the overflow verses at the end of the song. That was kind of fun.