My Book of Happiness is complete now, or at least I haven't really changed anything in it for years. I pulled it out again this morning, and it still works. Here's what's in it:
- Cover: A picture I took while in England. I love England, so this picture evokes good memories.
- My patriarchal blessing.
- "Do Not Despair," by President Ezra Taft Benson
- "Put Your Trust In God," by President Gordon B. Hinckley
- "The Forces That Will Save Us," by President James E. Faust
- "Suicide: Some Things We Know, and Some We Do Not," by Elder M. Russell Ballard
- "Covenants," by President Boyd K. Packer
- "Missionary Work and the Atonement," by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
- "The Living Christ" by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve
- The Relief Society Declaration
- "Beware of Pride," by President Ezra Taft Benson
- "Self-Image, Self-Love, and Salvation," by James E. Faulconer
- Three personal letters.
What would you put in your Book of Happiness? What makes you happy?
I think mine would most likely be more of a picture book, photos of family, friends, twinkie, Temple, Disneyland :) maybe a few quotes to remind me im loved :)
I think mine would end up being more of a picture book, family, friends, Twinkie, Temples, Disneyland & nature/anima l images occupying most of the pages. I'd maybe throw in a quote or two here or there
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